![We are going to utilize Timken Roller Bearings, Eaton Posi Carrier, Danny Boy Custom parts and a whole lot of other good stuff to keep the axles in the housing.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000422.jpg?m=1337458641)
- We are going to utilize Timken Roller Bearings, Eaton Posi C…
![See the leaking on the side of the center spud. This is indicitive of a leaking pinion seal. Also indicates bad Pinion Bearings.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000421.jpg?m=1337448968)
- See the leaking on the side of the center spud. This is ind…
![This is a shot of vintage under car floorboards. Most people only dream of such a rust free underchassis.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000429.jpg?m=1337447811)
- This is a shot of vintage under car floorboards. Most peopl…
![Here is the undercoated Fuel Tank. Got to love the cheap car salesmen and their dumb ideas.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000428.jpg?m=1337461140)
- Here is the undercoated Fuel Tank. Got to love the cheap ca…
![I just cannot believe that all these shops are calling me for info on how to do this stuff. Get and Education ok? This is the complete kit. The only way to buy it.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000733.jpg?m=1337448189)
- I just cannot believe that all these shops are calling me fo…
![Here you will see all the OEM retention hardware. In this case I have utilized all the hardware in the restoration. After a Media Blasting and repaint it is as good as new.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000732.jpg?m=1337458219)
- Here you will see all the OEM retention hardware. In this c…
![All of this hardware as is supplied is often times in my opinion superior to new fasteners. In many cases it is also noticeable in manufacture.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000731.jpg?m=1337450736)
- All of this hardware as is supplied is often times in my opi…
![Here are the replacement axles and the bolts, straps, ubolts, tbolts and etc needed to install the rear brakes and etc.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000730a.jpg?m=1337449327)
- Here are the replacement axles and the bolts, straps, ubolts…
![The Eight T-Bolts hold down the Differential to the Leaf Spring Plates. These are OEM. Very hard to find in Reproduction.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album01/album67/IM000730.jpg?m=1337461515)
- The Eight T-Bolts hold down the Differential to the Leaf Spr…