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Bill's 74 Super Duty Shaker Modification

  • Once the frame is removed very carefully, if lucky this is what you will see.  Just the Shaker Top and hopefully no cracks, broken off pieces and etc.  This is about as good as you can get.

    • Once the frame is removed very carefully, if lucky this is w…
  • Now, once you have the base off you can sand it smooth.  Then you fill in the low spots and damaged areas with the repair material.  Once it is mirror perfect you shoot on the fiberglass adhesion base.

    • Now, once you have the base off you can sand it smooth. The…
  • You will notice in the NOS OEM 1971 to 1972 shaker here the degree of the adhesive that General Motors used to retain the frame and flap.  Quite a bit, not easy to get off.

    • You will notice in the NOS OEM 1971 to 1972 shaker here the…
  • Here you can make out the Barnum Trademark and even the date of the manufacture of the shaker.  This one was purchased over the counter at General Motors.

    • Here you can make out the Barnum Trademark and even the date…
  • You have to mask off the top first to shoot the bottom.  It has to be done just so.  The lines need to be nonexistant.  In my cases when it comes to paint there are no short cuts.

    • You have to mask off the top first to shoot the bottom. It…
  • Mask the shaker off good and do not be afraid to use tape.  In the process you need a good tape and then you have to be a good masker.  Can the average guy do this?  Can an experienced buy do this?  NO!  This takes experience doing just this to get it ...

    • Mask the shaker off good and do not be afraid to use tape.…
  • Fortunately, we do about twenty to thirty of these every six months.  It also is easier to just shoot a few of them at once.  Saves me time.  In most cases I get caught up in the project and forget to make the job profitable.  It has to be done right!

    • Fortunately, we do about twenty to thirty of these every six…
  • This was the color that he wanted for his car.  Now how can I give him hell for modifing his TRANS AM SD?  On one hand very easy, on the other hand I am somewhat jealous

    • This was the color that he wanted for his car. Now how can…
  • You see my 74 Super Duty is about as correct as you can find.  It has only 30 some thousand miles on the oddometer.  Every Junk Yard I went to was scoured for any item in better condition than mine and obtained.

    • You see my 74 Super Duty is about as correct as you can find…