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Cons 455 Four Bolt Main

  • One, peice of wood at a time.  It is just like eating an elephant.  You have to start with one bite at a time.  In this case though just add more wood and bolts until it looks like a crate.

    • One, peice of wood at a time. It is just like eating an ele…
  • It will look funny because of the angle of the attaching wood piece.  But in the process it will keep the motor from sitting on the bottom of the crate.  That way if it falls it will bust the wood and then impact the bottom of the crate.

    • It will look funny because of the angle of the attaching woo…
  • That will act like an Endura front bumper on a 1970 to 1973 Firebird.  It should take a good amount of the force in impact to break the wood and etc.  That will remove alot of the kenetic energy that would be imparted into the block upon impact.

    • That will act like an Endura front bumper on a 1970 to 1973…
  • This is not Extraordinary Intelligence.  This is just Extra Ordinary Intelligence.  That is what I call it.  Not advanced Genetics, just utilized brain matter.  If it does not matter, you loose.

    • This is not Extraordinary Intelligence. This is just Extra…
  • We will utilize Srews, Gorilla Glue, Hardwoods and tight cuts in the wood to make sure it will make it the distance.  Hard to do and not for the lazy.

    • We will utilize Srews, Gorilla Glue, Hardwoods and tight cut…
  • In this case I will also use a Wood Pipe Clamp to coax the wood to bond as best as possible to itself.  It should be just like it grew this way when I am done.  Off to the other side of the world.

    • In this case I will also use a Wood Pipe Clamp to coax the w…
  • Glued, Screwed, Bolted, and Main Capped.  I doubt you will ever see another block sent off like this.  I usually will not sell bare blocks but I liked Con.  He is a repeat customer and I want to keep him happy.

    • Glued, Screwed, Bolted, and Main Capped. I doubt you will e…