![Oh, did I forget to mention that we got real tired of purchasing Freeze Plug kits that were always missing components? Well we did. I also got tired of installing the poorest quality component possible into our motors. We took the time to redesign t...](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R8982.jpg?m=1337450917)
- Oh, did I forget to mention that we got real tired of purcha…
![Just look at all the goodies. All the correct plugs that you need to fill the holes. Now why would you go out there and purchase a set that does not have all the items that you need?](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R8984.jpg?m=1337444891)
- Just look at all the goodies. All the correct plugs that yo…
![When it comes to the balancing of the motor there are several plates that keep the balancer balancing. This is a Stiffener Plate that enables the Hub to efficiently transfer the Harmonics to the Elastomere dampner. It has to be blasted to remove all ...](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R8988.jpg?m=1337457811)
- When it comes to the balancing of the motor there are severa…
![Now Sealed Power also makes some real great bearings. We utilize them also. Just like the Pistons the bearings need special coatings to help them work better. What about the old bearings that worked fine? Did they?](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R9003.jpg?m=1337520626)
- Now Sealed Power also makes some real great bearings. We ut…
![Being that we have been on the Forefront of Specialized Coatings we have State of the Art information about how to make the Mouse Trap better. If you cannot see coating your bearings then you probably have no use for a umbrella in a rain storm.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R9007.jpg?m=1337520848)
- Being that we have been on the Forefront of Specialized Coat…
![There are lots of little items that also have to be found and located to make a functional work of art. Each item here is needed to ensure that the motor will operate correctly. When ever possible GM components are utilized only.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R9011.jpg?m=1337459667)
- There are lots of little items that also have to be found an…
![Here is the Pressure Plate and Flywheel that we balanced for MArcos. You will notice the red paint, the extra weights welded on and the Drill holes to lighten the hat in places.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R9016.jpg?m=1337462222)
- Here is the Pressure Plate and Flywheel that we balanced for…
![Not only do we go to all this trouble to make sure that the engine is in perfect balance we also take the time to Witness Mark the Mating Surfaces of each item. Now you have to keep these together and lined up.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R9019.jpg?m=1337461416)
- Not only do we go to all this trouble to make sure that the…
![Wana see some real metal removal. Kinda makes me wonder how the original motors even ran. They are sometimes so far outa balance that I cannot believe it.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun89/MX7R9022.jpg?m=1337458577)
- Wana see some real metal removal. Kinda makes me wonder how…