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Dead Dad

  • Dad is just loving the attention that he is getting.  His wife is at his side nearly all of the time.  I am visiting him telling him that if he does not exercise and eat right it's butt kicking time.  No more hospital stays.  To say that my Father is C...

    • Dad is just loving the attention that he is getting. His wi…
  • He is just soaking it all in.  I am happy.  Mother is taking it well.  Being married for over 50 years I do not know what I would do if he was to pack it in.  I am also worried about the effect that it would have on my mother.  I notify the pastor that...

    • He is just soaking it all in. I am happy. Mother is taking…
  • In this whole process I feel guilty about taking pictures of these times.  In the back of my mind I realize that I should anyway.  It is hard to keep filming when there is the human situation.  Still in the back of my mind there is a little voice sayin...

    • In this whole process I feel guilty about taking pictures of…
  • Here is my Dad.  He is having a fun time on one of our campouts.  He is a hoot to bring along.  Cooks for food.  Keeps the scraps from collecting in the garbage.  Always has a fond word for good looking women.  I am looking forward to taking him back t...

    • Here is my Dad. He is having a fun time on one of our campo…
  • Well it is the fouth day.  Pops has been walking around and is threatening to pull the tubes and have me take him for a coke.  Funny thing about us is that I will do that.  If he asks me to.  I have heard very bad testimony of operations gone wrong her...

    • Well it is the fouth day. Pops has been walking around and…
  • They heavily sedate him.  He can no longer talk.  They say that there is an infection in his body and he will die.  I sat by his side and watched the color return to his face.  I watched his energy levels return,  I watched his hands get hydrated again...

    • They heavily sedate him. He can no longer talk. They say t…
  • Well I find out that they coerce my mother into signing away his autopsy rights.  He has taken a turn for the worse.  They now say that he has cancer of the colon.  They also say that he has a perforated appendix.  He is soon to die.  I cannot believe ...

    • Well I find out that they coerce my mother into signing away…
  • Well there we were.  Thursday morning everything was great.  We went to breakfast and vowed to return.  Pops was ready to walk out.  We come back from breakfast and they have him heavily sedated.  They say they need permission to introduce a solution t...

    • Well there we were. Thursday morning everything was great.…
  • Here I am, back from Breakfast.  My father is not talking, walking or complaining about the rotten way he is being treated.  He is sedated and not responsive.  I am not buying it.  I am afraid that something has gone very wrong.  Now the question is wh...

    • Here I am, back from Breakfast. My father is not talking, w…