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Tag: Cylinder

  • Here is a shot of the Drivers Side Cylinder Head.  This poor block has overheated at some time.  The Head has the old rubber freeze plug filler in it still

    • Here is a shot of the Drivers Side Cylinder Head. This poor…
  • GTO 093 Cylinder Heads.  Not to hard to find.  Came on all the 66 GTO's.  Pretty much the only head.  No special Tunnel Ports,  Round Ports, etc. Just power making quality.

    • GTO 093 Cylinder Heads. Not to hard to find. Came on all t…
  • Well the Intake Manifold did not have Water Rust Stains in the ports.  Now this bothers me.  Both of these Intake Valves had obvious Rust.  Not only that but there was no carbon build up on these pistons. Notice the Blue from the Fel-Pro Gaskets?  It's...

    • Well the Intake Manifold did not have Water Rust Stains in t…