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Kevins 67 Goat

  • Needless to say it will take some doing.  That is the next step.  Figuring out the placement of the boxes and where the stuff will go.  Not to mention where I got it all on the shelves.

    • Needless to say it will take some doing. That is the next s…
  • I also sat here and realized that you probably do not have any of the attaching bolts or hardware to even hook it all up.  So I guess I had better get down to the bolt bin and begin to find the stuff that you will need to bolt it all together also.  I ...

    • I also sat here and realized that you probably do not have a…
  • Funny thing is this.  You never really seem to realize the whole lot of items that go into a car until you think about all the parts necessary just to bolt up a transmission.  Then the rest comes to mind.

    • Funny thing is this. You never really seem to realize the w…
  • Well here is the throwout bearing.  It is brand new and ready to go.  I will put it back into the box it came out of and that will suffice for shipping.  I will attempt to multiple box items that I can to save space also.  This will save us shipping co...

    • Well here is the throwout bearing. It is brand new and read…
  • Transmission yokes are one of the most overlooked items that are not changed.  I do not know why people overlook this item but they do.  It will often times result in drive line vibration if not changed.

    • Transmission yokes are one of the most overlooked items that…
  • There was no way to get these more closely boxed up and ready to load into the crate.  They are right next to each other and the box they are in was a slip fit.

    • There was no way to get these more closely boxed up and read…
  • Here is what your new exhaust system looks like.  It will be all boxed up and ready for you to install.  It has the OEM hangers and will install as per the OEM System.

    • Here is what your new exhaust system looks like. It will be…
  • It took quite some time to find a system that was user friendly and could be installed in a manner that was capable at most peoples garages by most people with limited tools.

    • It took quite some time to find a system that was user frien…
  • This system will do all that and will give absolutely professional results.  Not only that but you will end up with a system that will fit the car as it was designed for the car.

    • This system will do all that and will give absolutely profes…