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Steves 65 Tri Power

  • You will notice that the metal flanges have been carefully bent back into the correct location to install onto your engine.  These pans are installed with a ball peen hammer.  The flange is designed to be peened once it is installed to prevent leaks.

    • You will notice that the metal flanges have been carefully b…
  • The early Valley Pan is unique and designed to fit the Tri Power.  There are reasons why this is the only one that will work on a Tri Power.  Just try the other one and find out.

    • The early Valley Pan is unique and designed to fit the Tri P…
  • Here is the correct Choke Preheat Tube.  This tube is the one that screws onto the Choke Thermostat Housing on the side of the carburetor.  It is very easy to cross thread these onto the carb.  Do not do it.

    • Here is the correct Choke Preheat Tube. This tube is the on…
  • This is the one that the heat is blown into.  Connects to the upper air horn on the carburetor.

    • This is the one that the heat is blown into. Connects to th…
  • Well somehow I got your F fitting and another customers mixed up.  But both were in the plating tank anyway.  Now the other customers was the one that I am used to seeing.  They are made out of steel and are actually three pieces.  They are made very c...

    • Well somehow I got your F fitting and another customers mixe…
  • I have never seen one like this before.  Luckly I put them both into the plating tank and had to wait for the both of them to be plated.  Once I removed them I noticed that yours was of this type.

    • I have never seen one like this before. Luckly I put them b…
  • This is an interesting fitting.  I noticed a part number cast into it's surface.  It is one piece.  I have not had time to research this fitting so I cannot verify it's orginality.

    • This is an interesting fitting. I noticed a part number cas…
  • I must admit it though I like it much better than the one that broke while attempting to install.  Of course once it was rebrazed and plated it looked like all the others I have installed and removed

    • I must admit it though I like it much better than the one th…
  • I attempted to shoot pics of the brass fittings and get in the OEM foundry marks on the fittings also.  Needless to say once they look new there is no dirt in the grooves so the marks do not stand out.

    • I attempted to shoot pics of the brass fittings and get in t…