![Well here it sits. Obviously abused and ran with rotten oil. Yes rotten oil. Probably sent to a Quick Lube every time. You need to understand that there is Recycled Oil out there. I spell that Garbage Oil.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007281.jpg?m=1337447625)
- Well here it sits. Obviously abused and ran with rotten oil…
![Just look at the Caked on Carbon. Not to mention the grit and grime. I sometimes wonder how they keep on going. It is very hard to see an engine working like this. The grime keeps the heat in the block.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007285.jpg?m=1337462159)
- Just look at the Caked on Carbon. Not to mention the grit a…
![I have decided to remove the engine with the Exhaust Manifolds on the Heads. Why? Because the Factory had these cool lock washers that actually locked down the bolts.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007283_001.jpg?m=1337451211)
- I have decided to remove the engine with the Exhaust Manifol…
![Also these Intake Manifold Bolt holes are a convenient place to attach a custom lenght chain and pull the motor without removing the Hood.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007285_001.jpg?m=1337455864)
- Also these Intake Manifold Bolt holes are a convenient place…
![Well it is no time at all when I have the motor torn down and off to my Hot Tank. I use a Hot Tank and a Shake and Bake Oven. The Chemicals are like a nice friendly block clean. The shake and bake just works better on a clean block.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007485_001.jpg?m=1337456821)
- Well it is no time at all when I have the motor torn down an…
![You will notice that I have intalled the Two Timing Cover Studs into the correct spot for 68. On later model motors they go into the two lower holes.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007487.jpg?m=1337457511)
- You will notice that I have intalled the Two Timing Cover St…
![I realize that if it is not broke do not fix it. But I just do not like press in Oil Gallery Plugs. Not because they do work. Anyone with any amount of Brains will know that the Oil Pressure exerted upon such a small area will not usually press them...](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007489.jpg?m=1337459915)
- I realize that if it is not broke do not fix it. But I just…
![But do I want this block to be the one that makes me look like an Idiot. NO WAY. The real question to ask yourself is why did the Factory Drill and Tap all the other Locations. Could it be for extra repair work?](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007492.jpg?m=1337447434)
- But do I want this block to be the one that makes me look li…
![Oh well what ever the reason is these will get a through tapping and correctly installed Screw in Oil Gallery Plugs. Not to mention the correct installation of the Timing Cover Studs.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun39/IM007494.jpg?m=1337457202)
- Oh well what ever the reason is these will get a through tap…