![This is the specialized Stainless Steel Inner Water Pump Plates that we make for the 389 Pontiac. They require a special inner plate setup that directs and provides the proper cooling flow.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R2909.jpg?m=1337445182)
- This is the specialized Stainless Steel Inner Water Pump Pla…
![Here is the backside of the plate. You will notice that there is a dimple on the upper top of the plate. This is not a dent from misshandling. It is a dimple to keep the plate off of the housing.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R2910.jpg?m=1337447498)
- Here is the backside of the plate. You will notice that the…
![Here is the front plate. It has to be just right as far as the manufacture of the piece goes. If it is loose fitting it will destroy the timing cover. If it is tight then it will work.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R2911.jpg?m=1337460215)
- Here is the front plate. It has to be just right as far as…
![Not to mention the outer edge of the plate but the inner I.D. of the plate is also critical. You need the impeller of the water pump to insert into this area with interference free rotation.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R2912.jpg?m=1337445284)
- Not to mention the outer edge of the plate but the inner I.D…
![They must both fit into each other. The front plate hole has be to in the correct location in reference to the rear plate. If it is not in the right spot then the water will not be directed in the correct manner.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R2913.jpg?m=1337446867)
- They must both fit into each other. The front plate hole ha…
![Pontiac 389 block for a manual transmission 66 GTO. Where do you find this? Across the U.S. in some nice little old ladies barn. You betcha. I am not joking. She was a real nice person. Well spoken. A true car girl. She had this for many years ...](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R3476.jpg?m=1337454497)
- Pontiac 389 block for a manual transmission 66 GTO. Where d…
![It was a virgin block. Yes not ever touched by a machinist. I was honored to cut the metal away for the State of the Art updated components. It was a pleasure to work on her.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R3477.jpg?m=1337456336)
- It was a virgin block. Yes not ever touched by a machinist.…
![As the skilled eye can see I have adressed every single item that could be dealt with. Now some people will say that there is no reason to do this and that but that is a crock.](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R3478.jpg?m=1337445003)
- As the skilled eye can see I have adressed every single item…
![Here is what you do to get the best block that you can obtain. First you Shake and Bake off the corossion, rust, scale and carbon. It will release the hundreds of heating and cooling tension that is built up in the block. It will also seal the pores...](/gallery3/var/thumbs/album72/albun43/MX7R3479.jpg?m=1337452992)
- Here is what you do to get the best block that you can obtai…